One of the questions Psychic Pr. Kilimanjaro, The Psychic is invariably asked, is “How did you discover you’re psychic?” Her response is that “Everyone is. The only difference between you and me is that I’m open and receptive to it… and I owe all that to my family background.”

I have known I was gifted since the age of seven. From a young girl I have been doing readings for friends and family. With over 15 years of professional experience, this is what I love to do, it is my passion. I offer my services to uplift and give clarity. I will give you the deep understanding you crave and need to know. This can relate to career, love, relationships, loss, queries on decisions that need to be made or general questions about life I use my gift of clairvoyance to allow you to see what your future will hold. I am here to give you information that will empower you with knowledge to help you to move forward in a positive way.

Sometimes life can seem a bit confusing and overwhelming, and often there is so much going on that a little guidance is needed. Psychic guidance can provide great insight into situations and people that can help provide direction when deciding which path to take.

My readings are given with the guidance of spirit. I can’t promise to be able to give you all the answers, but I promise the truth of what I see. I truly believe our soul is here to live a destiny pre-planned to enrich it with further knowledge and wisdom. Anyone who as spoken to me before knows I am direct and caring. God bless.

Tarot Card Reading

In most people's minds, "Tarot card reading" means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. Some people also mistakenly and ignorantly link Tarot card reading with devil worshipping and black magic. That is a false belief and in fact it cannot be further from the real truth. A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your energy - the person asking the question - to give you a picture of unseen influences, patterns of behavior, obstacles, and strengths. A reading can give you an idea of where you are now, where you've come from, where you want to be, and how to get there. While the Tarot gives suggested actions to take and a likely outcome if you take them, it does not predict the future. The future is not a static or unchangeable thing. You make choices and decisions each moment of your life, whether or not you are conscious of them.

A+ Palm Reading

Palmistry is an important science which tells us about the future very genuinely. Of, course there are the various branches of Astrology which predict the future course of an individual, but palmistry also give very clear and accurate results. In the other branches of Astrology, the moment of birth is very important (which at times is not available to the individual concerned) but in Palmistry, it is the lines and mounts on one's hand that hold the key to his future Palmistry is in itself a complete science which can forecast the future of an individual authentically. In the present day modern world, it would be very helpful for a person if his future is known. It would be easier for him to reach his destined destination. For this purpose we need an authentic and reliable science which can tell the complete past and to fore- see. The small, thick, thin and oblique lines, mounts and markings in the palm of a person have the whole future imprinted therein. Here with a simple test, you can come to know about you and some general things what your hand and lines are predicting for you. The left hand is the hand we born with, the right hand is the hand we make. So it is suggested that you analyze your Right hand FIRST and then your Left Hand.

Crystal Ball Reading

Psychic reading

Again this type of reading originates from Egypt. Quartz Crystal is a stone used for purification and cleansing, and captures your energy to release whatever you have been holding inside. This is a very natural organic reading that is based on your energy, and it goes very much into your future. On a typical reading, I cleanse the ball with sage, then I will ask you to place your hand on it, and that’s when I can start to pick up your energy. Basically there are four types commonly used. One is the low cost solid glass gazing ball. These are fine as long as they are free from bubbles and the distortion level is tolerable. The second type is made from ‘lead’ crystal or a mixture of this and glass. These are fine as long as they too are bubble and distortion free and are not darkly tinted.

 The third type is the reconstituted quartz crystal balls. For most, these are the best option as the cost is low while still consisting of pure quartz. Reconstituted means it is pure quartz that is ground, heated and then reformed into a sphere shape. The fourth type is the pure quartz spheres. These are much more expensive and never completely clear. They contain (beautiful) inclusions that give it that ‘ice’ look mentioned by the Greeks. Some people love these for gazing as they are pure quartz in its natural form. Others don’t like the inclusions for gazing and prefer a completely clear sphere.

Full Life Psychic Reading

This can be only done by someone who is born with the gift of clairvoyant powers. This is one of my favorite readings because it really gives me a chance for my clientele to test my powers. Many people call this particular reading a psychometry reading. You must bring a personal object to me that you been carrying for 6 months or more, such as: keys, hair band, wedding ring or even a picture. I place the object in my hands and pick up on every angle of your past, present and future and then offer you in-depth details on the questions still echoing in your life. This reading is one of the longest and most accurate.


Affordable Psychic Readings | Most Accurate  Psychic


What if you want to ask questions of a psychic nature but you want to connect to someone on the other side as well?  A psychic reading with mediumship gives you the best of both worlds.

You can ask questions about your relationships, career, finances, health or anything else you want psychic messages about.  Then we see who is around you in Spirit.

Your family and friends in spirit may come in to say hello, let you know they are okay, or have a specific message for you.  Sometimes it may be about things we’ve already touched on in the psychic reading and other times it may be something new for you to hear.

Experience Accurate Psychic Readings Here from Our Trusted Psychic Mediums. Call Now.

A lot of mediums offering medium readings online will call themselves psychic mediums, this means that they offer psychic as well as medium readings, or psychic medium readings which is the combination of both; readings about finances, health and relationships as well as messages communicated by loved ones who are deceased. By following a procedure of extensive research for obtaining the top portals for online psychic and the extension of pinpoint readings, Psychic Experts has presented the faultless and the finest record of well-known supreme sites bestowing the facility of finest online psychic reading. Additionally, each site offers a preview for psychic reading. It is the forum which is known for its proficiency in gathering the greatest psychic reading internet sites for the clients, they do so by providing experts who extend very veritable and pinpoint readings over various mediums including call, live psychics chat, video calls. By doing so they enable the worldwide clients to connect with the finest and highest qualified readers.

Psychic Maji Motto has a huge number of clients all over the world owing to their relevant experience  of over 4 decades. It includes many fortune tellers and tarot reading online, who vary in workmanship and their capacities. He offers exact chat psychics, love psychics and phone psychics, Lost love spells, Voodoo magic, Traditional Healing, Business Rivals Spells Amending Broken Relationships. 

Contact Me For A READING


Individual results may vary.

That’s because Psychic Reading, casting a spell or creating an amulet is more art than science, and even Chief Maji Motto will not be successful every time. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being honest. This is why Chief Maji Motto offers an unconditional money back guarantee: If you’re not completely satisfied, He will refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

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