+27 78 590 3813

Psychic Reading

I am Pr. Kilimanjaro, and I could change the course of destiny With my Psychic Reading.

About My Services

I specialise in love happiness, career, money, marriage, success, looking for your soulmate. I can tell you when where how you will meet? Are you in a relationship don’t know where it’s going? Are you wondering if he/she is cheating? Are you thinking what’s next in career for you? I can tell you past present and future with just your name and DOB. My Psychic Reading goal is to help you the right person in your life, Proper career choice according to you and which complement’s you the best and so on, I can read your depression and feelings from your heart and know how to heal your stressed life. I am able to know your deep hearted complex problems. I accept boundaries and respect the privacy of each and every client. I am non-judgemental and I am open to any situation you cannot see things clearly because you are emotionally invested in the relationship. let me help you with clear and concise answers. Often the smallest clues in our dreams can help us make major changes to our futures. Your dreams can become the road map to your future, a preview of interesting sights still ahead of you. Psychic Reading.

My Services


A divorce in many cases is a point in life that two individuals arrive at when they feel they no longer can share a life together.


When health is your health is bad, even large sums of riches nor a high position in the society will matter to one.


Marriage, a special bond between two individuals, It is a promise that will involve them loving, supporting and respecting each other for a lifetime.

Tarot Card Reading

In most people’s minds, “Tarot card reading” means a woman in flowing robes, leaning over a small table in a candlelit room, foretelling impending doom. Some people also mistakenly and ignorantly link Tarot card reading with devil worshipping and black magic. That is a false belief and in fact it cannot be further from the real truth.

A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of what your life looks like at the time of the reading. The cards tune into your energy – the person asking the question – to give you a picture of unseen influences, patterns of behaviour, obstacles, and strengths. A reading can give you an idea of where you are now, where you’ve come from, where you want to be, and how to get there. While the Tarot gives suggested actions to take and a likely outcome if you take them, it does not predict the future.

The future is not a static or unchangeable thing. You make choices and decisions each moment of your life, whether or not you are conscious of them.

Crystal Ball Reading

Again this type of reading originates from Egypt. Quartz Crystal is a stone used for purification and cleansing, and captures your energy to release whatever you have been holding inside. This is a very natural organic reading that is based on your energy, and it goes very much into your future. On a typical reading, I cleanse the ball with sage, then I will ask you to place your hand on it, and that’s when I can start to pick up your energy.


Psychic reading

Basically there are four types commonly used. One is the low cost solid glass gazing ball. These are fine as long as they are free from bubbles and the distortion level is tolerable. The second type is made from ‘lead’ crystal or a mixture of this and glass. These are fine as long as they too are bubble and distortion free and are not darkly tinted. The third type is the reconstituted quartz crystal balls. For most, these are the best option as the cost is low while still consisting of pure quartz. Reconstituted means it is pure quartz that is ground, heated and then reformed into a sphere shape. The fourth type is the pure quartz spheres. These are much more expensive and never completely clear. They contain (beautiful) inclusions that give it that ‘ice’ look mentioned by the Greeks. Some people love these for gazing as they are pure quartz in its natural form. Others don’t like the inclusions for gazing and prefer a completely clear sphere.

psychic reading

House Cleansing

Cleansing of Offices, Factories, Houses or shops.

Psychic Aida travels to the premises to remove any dense negativity, anger, earthbound spirits. curses. poltergeist who have unfinished business on this earth. As a result angry spirits can cause loss of business, havoc in relationships as well as physical damage i.e. Lashing, strangulation, pressing on their chest, physically seeing deceased person roaming around the property, noticing shadows or a presence, a feeling that you are not alone on your property, sickness. She uses vibrational healing to transcend the various types of spirits to the other side working of the actual premises for a minimum of 7 to 10 days.

House Cleansing can also be achieved successfully from a distance by providing photographs of the premises.


Individual results may vary.

That’s because Psychic Reading, casting a spell or creating an amulet is more art than science. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being honest. This is why Pr. Kilimanjaro offers an unconditional money back guarantee: If you’re not completely satisfied, He will refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

All letters to Pr. Kilimanjaro are confidential! The following letters are being shown with the permission of the writers.

Dear Pr. Kilimanjaro,
For years I have been searching for a kind, loving man. On July 14 you cast a love spell for me. On July 24 I met a Lieutenant Commander… I have never been so attracted so fast. We are now engaged to be married. I don’t know how to thank you.

Virginia Beach, VA


Psychic Reading
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